
IV Therapy Vaughan



What is IV therapy? 

Intravenous (IV) Therapy is the infusion of nutrients directly into the bloodstream through the veins. The infusions consist of a blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Nutrients taken orally get broken down in the stomach and digestive tract, which severely limits their absorption. IV therapy by-passes our digestive system, therefore providing a much higher absorption, close to 100%, allowing the nutrients to reach our cells quickly and efficiently.

This can be especially helpful in people who suffer from digestive concerns, or are unable to get adequate nutrition for a variety of other reasons.


The EBL Approach


At EBL, IV therapy is used as part of our comprehensive restoration programs or as stand-alone treatments.

As part of a comprehensive program, IV therapy is used to treat Adrenal fatigue, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Hormone health, Gut health and many other Chronic illnesses. When combined with other therapies including dietary adjustments and nutritional supplementation, IV therapy can help our patients feel better, faster.

Additionally, other patients come in for IV therapy as a stand-alone treatment. Whether it's active people looking to get more from their workouts, busy parents juggling many responsibilities, people working demanding jobs, travelers suffering from jet lag and people trying to ward off a cold or the flu.


What are the benefits?


Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are vital in the proper functioning of every part of our body. Age, poor digestion, inflammation, stress, busy and challenging lifestyles can cause increased demands for nutrients by our cells. By directly infusing nutrients into the bloodstream, IV therapy can be beneficial for improving many things:



Fatigue: Eliminate Fatigue & Increase Energy

Adrenal: Improve Adrenal Function

Recovery: Athletic Recovery from Sports & Exercise and recovery for demanding family or professional lifestyle.

Travel: Reduce Jet Lag

Mind: Improve Mood and Mental Alertness


Cold and Flus: Protection Against Infections

Chronic Illness: Prevent Illnesses

Migraines: Reduce Migraines and Headaches

Immune: Maintain Healthy Immune Function


Hydration: Replenish your electrolytes especially to support athletic recovery.

Malnutrition: Replenish Vitamins and Nutrients

Detox: Detoxification of Body

Hangovers: Quick Recovery From Hangovers


Skin: Maintain Healthier looking Skin

Hormones: Balance Hormones

Vision: Improve Vision


What to expect

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Easily book your appointment online or by calling us.

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Prior to the first, IV an initial consultation (45min-1Hr) is required during which we go through a thorough health history, review medical concerns, medication and supplementations, and discuss any required testing. Based on the finds, custom IV bags are prepared for infusion.

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IV Infusion

An IV drip can take anywhere from 45in to 90min (depending on the formula). On your first visit, expect to be at the clinic a little bit longer.

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Post IV

Enjoy your post-IV glow and energy

EBL (Eat, Breathe, Live) cocktails

Customized to fit your needs



E-Liquid Nutrition
A boost for when you’re struggling with getting all your nutrition through diet.

E-Heal Thy Gut 
Help support healing of your gut.

E-Metabolic Fuel 
Increase metabolism and optimize the functioning of the cells of the body.

E-Liquid Nutrition
A boost for when you’re struggling with getting all your nutrition through diet.

E-Heal Thy Gut 
Help support healing of your gut.

E-Metabolic Fuel 
Increase metabolism and optimize the functioning of the cells of the body.


Breathe IV

The infamous Myers cocktail.

L-Migraine Buster
High dose magnesium with B vitamins to help decrease the severity and frequency of migraines.

A classic Macular Degeneration formula, can also be used in conjunction with an eye health protocol to help improve vision in general.

A super boosted version of the Myers Formula to help those recovering from Adrenal exhaustion.

L-Fountain of Youth
An infusion of Glutathione with a blend of vitamins and minerals to help keep you young.

L-The Hangover
A blend of liver-friendly vitamins and minerals to help you prevent or recover from those nasty weekend hangovers.

L- Surgical Recovery
Help increase repair and recovery after surgery with a blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Live IV

For the very anxious person, a combination of magnesium with amino acids and B vitamins to help calm your mind and body.

Strengthen a chronically weakened immune system.

B-Non-Drowsy Cold & Flu
Feeling under the weather? Try this blend of high dose vitamin C but other immune boosting nutrients to fight off a cold/flu.


Frequently Asked Questions


+ How long does IV Therapy take?

It takes about 40 minutes to 1 hour.

+ Does the IV hurt?

IV drips should not hurt, and at the very least, all you should feel is a small pinch as the needle pierces the skin. If it hurts, then it may have been wrongly inserted. At EBL, all our staff are highly trained for this procedure, and you would have nothing to worry about with us.

+ What is the cost?

The cost includes your initial consultation/set-up fee + nutrient fee. For ongoing treatments you will only pay the set-up fee + nutrient fee. Nutrient fees can range from $65-250 (depending on the custom formulation). Consult/set up fees are based on discussions with your practitioner.

+ How long does it take for the IV to work?

IV medication goes to work immediately as it is delivered directly into the bloodstream.

+ How often should you do IV Therapy?

How often you should do IV therapy will depend on your health, situation, and needs. Since all our treatments are customized according to your needs, we will advise you on how many treatments you need after evaluating your needs.

+ How many treatments do I need? How often?

The amount of treatments depends on what we are treating. Treatment plans will range from weekly IVs to once every few weeks (depending on your needs). Some people enjoy monthly nutrients boosts, while some people require them more often.



Feel free to get in touch.

Contact us with any question, inquiries or to book an appointment. 

Make an appointment

Book 24/7 via our online booking here.